Guidance Notes

(Corporate client)

The Client Profile form should be completed in respect of every beneficial owner. The supporting documents, namely the certified copy of the Certificate of Incorporation and the two references, which are required in respect of the beneficial owner, must be returned to us with this form.

With regard to the references, they may consist of one as to reputation and standing of the Corporate Client (beneficial owner) and the other may be a financial reference:

  1. if a reference as to reputation and standing only:

(i)        the reference should be current, from a professional (eg. Lawyer, accountant, doctor or banker, and should be presented on original letterhead.

(ii)       the referee should have had regular dealings with the client for a minimum of 3 years. The actual number of years must be stated.

(iii)      the referee should outline what he knows of the business and history of the client.

(iv)      the reference must be addressed to the Compliance Officer, H & J Corporate Services Ltd., P.O. Box SS-19084, Nassau, Bahamas.

  1. if a financial reference:

(i)        the reference should include the manner in which the client conducts its banking business.

(ii)       the nature of the relationship between the client and the bank.

(iii)      the duration of the relationship between the client and the bank, which must be a minimum of 3 years.

(iv)      the reference must be addressed to the Compliance Officer, H & J Corporate Services Ltd., P.O. Box SS-19084, Nassau, Bahamas.

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